“A good teacher makes you think even when you don’t want to.”

- Fisher, 1998, Teaching Thinking

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blooms Taxonomy

By C. Radhakrishnan

Taxonomy is the science or technique of classification.

Bloom's Taxonomy classified learning into six main parts.
1. Knowledge- The ability to draw on previously learned data.
2. Comprehension- Grasp meaning then explain and extrapolate.
3. Application- Using learned material in life situations.
4. Analysis- Separating information and creating links between those parts
5. Synthesis- Taking separate ideas and forming new, whole ideas.
6. Evaluation- Judge the worth of material.

Use of these classifications can help to expand the horizons of students. As they work to build upon their knowledge, create links between various topics, form new ideas, determine what's good, and then apply it all to their life, many windows and doors will open up. They will develop their talents and achieve higher levels of learning, which was a main goal of Benjamin Bloom.

Here is a diagram of Bloom's Taxonomy: Learning in Action